Quota Sampling

Quota sampling is often used in market research because it does not require a list of potential respondents (a 'sampling frame'). It is not based on random selection. Instead, respondents who fit into predetermined categories ('quota controls') are found by interviewers until their quotas are filled. For this survey, the quota controls to be used are sex and age (young, middle, and old).

A recent census has reported that there are:

5252 males
5789 females
2940 young
3921 middle aged
4180 old

in the town. You should choose the numbers in your sample in each category so that they are approximately representative of the town as a whole.

How many men do you want in your sample?
How many women do you want in your sample?
How many young people do you want in your sample?
How many middle-aged people do you want in your sample?
How many older people do you want in your sample?

The sampling procedures are:

  1. simple random sampling
  2. clustered random sampling
  3. stratified random sampling
  4. quota sampling
  5. summary and finish