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Income sources

  • sales of water systems to housing associations


  • maintain and build factories
    Hint: maintenance of factories costs money as do repairs when factory gets too old. Factories producing water saving systems are more expensive to maintain than those producing normal ones.
  • choose to produce normal or water saving water systems
    Hint: although maintenance and repair of normal system factories is cheaper, you might get higher sale prices for water saving systems due to the fact that they save the housing association money if fitted.

  • determine water system prices during price negotiation with housing associations
    Hint: you are in competition with the other manufacturer over price (if the other produces the same type of water system as you). Setting the price too high might reduce your chances of selling anything. But if prices are too low, your income will not be sufficient to cover the maintenance of your factories. Remember that sales are your only income!!


  • maintenance and building of factories.

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