
 * Some functions for examining and merging maps - not for public consumption, but useful
 * for diagnosing problems and for special operations on maps

import * as Y from 'yjs'
import {WebsocketProvider} from 'y-websocket'
import {DataSet} from 'vis-data/peer'
import {doc, websocket, data, logHistory, room} from './prsm.js'
import {uuidv4, deepCopy, alertMsg} from './utils.js'
/* --------------------------------- Merge maps ----------------------------- */
 * Evaluate mergeRoom(string: room code) e.g. mergeRoom('WBI-CRD-ROB-XDK')
 *   adds all factors and links in the 'other' map to this one
 *   if a factor occurs in both maps and is identical in both, nothing is added
 *   if a factor is in both maps, but the label is different, a new factor is added
 *     that is a clone of the 'other' factor, but with a dashed red border and with
 *     cloned links that are dashed.
 * Evaluate diffRoom(string: room code) e.g. diffRoom('WBI-CRD-ROB-XDK')
 *  to list all the differences in the console

var bwsp //  websocket to other room
var bdata // the data from the other room
var bNodesMap // map of nodes from the other room
var bEdgesMap //  map of edges from the other room

export function openOtherDoc(otherRoom) {
	let bDoc = new Y.Doc()
	bwsp = new WebsocketProvider(websocket, `prsm${otherRoom}`, bDoc)
	bNodesMap = bDoc.getMap('nodes')
	bEdgesMap = bDoc.getMap('edges')
	let bNodes = new DataSet()
	let bEdges = new DataSet()
	bdata = {
		nodes: bNodes,
		edges: bEdges,

function mergeMaps() {
	let history = '' // collect history log entries, so that the log can be updated all at once
	doc.transact(() => {
		let nodesToAdd = [] // collect new nodes to add to map A
		let edgesToAdd = [] // and edges
		let substitutes = new Map() // when two nodes have different ids, but identical labels,
		// use this as a conversion look up table from one id to the other
		let newNodes = new Map()
		for (let BNode of bdata.nodes.get()) {
			if (BNode.isCluster) continue
			// for each node in the other map
			let ANode = data.nodes.get( // see whether there is a node in this map with the same id
			// if not, see whether there is a node in this map with the same label, and treat this node as the same as the node in the other map
			if (!ANode) {
				let sameLabelNodes = data.nodes
					.filter((an) => an.label.replace(/\s/g, '') === BNode.label.replace(/\s/g, ''))
				if (sameLabelNodes.length > 1) {
						`%cMatching factors by label ('${BNode.label}'), but there are two or more factors with this label in this map`,
						'color: red',
						`Matching factors by label ('${BNode.label}'), but there are two or more factors with this label in the map`,
				ANode = sameLabelNodes[0]
				if (ANode) {
					// map works both ways - OK since ids are unique
			if (ANode) {
				// if there is, check whether the label is the same
				if (ANode.label.replace(/\s/g, '') !== BNode.label.replace(/\s/g, '')) {
					// if not, make a clone of the other node with a new id
						`'${ANode.label}' Factor in this map does not match Factor from other map with new label: '${BNode.label}'. Factor with new label added.`,
					// generate a new id for BNode.  change border to dashed red.  Add it to the map
					let newNode = deepCopy(BNode) = uuidv4()
					newNode.shapeProperties.borderDashes = true
					newNode.borderWidth = 4
					newNode.borderWidthSelected = 4
					newNode.color.border = '#ff0000'
					newNode.color.highlight.border = '#ff0000'
					newNode.x = ANode.x + 30
					newNode.y = ANode.y + 30
					// add it to this map
					// add to lookup table of existing node id to clone node id
				} else if (ANode.grp !== BNode.grp)
					// label is the same, but style is not - just report this
						`Style: '${ANode.grp}' does not match style: '${BNode.grp}' from other map for Factor: '${ANode.label}. Existing style retained.`,
			} else {
				// the node is on the other map, but not on this one - add it.
				logMerge(`added new Factor: '${BNode.label}'`)

		bdata.edges.get().forEach((BEdge) => {
			// Some edges on the other map may have been going to/from nodes that have been cloned and given a new id.
			// Clone these edges, giving them the new from: or to: node ids and make them dashed.
			let newEdge = null
			if (newNodes.has(BEdge.from)) {
				// this edge goes from a node that has been cloned - adjust the from: id
				newEdge = deepCopy(BEdge)
				newEdge.from = newNodes.get(BEdge.from)
				// it might also go to a cloned node -if so, adjust the to: id
				if (newNodes.has( = newNodes.get(
			} else if (newNodes.has( {
				// this edge goes to a cloned node
				newEdge = deepCopy(BEdge) = newNodes.get(
			if (newEdge) {
				// give the cloned edge a new id = uuidv4()
				// make the edge dashed, red and thick
				newEdge.dashes = true
				newEdge.width = 4
				newEdge.color.color = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'
					`added Link between new Factor(s): '${data.nodes.get(newEdge.from).label}' to '${
			// now deal with the other map's edges
			let AEdge = data.edges.get(
			if (!AEdge) {
				// check to see if there is a link in map A that goes from and to the same nodes as
				// this link in map B, although it has a different id, remembering that the map A
				// and map B nodes may have been matched by label, rather than id.
				let from = BEdge.from
				if (substitutes.get(from)) from = substitutes.get(from)
				let to =
				if (substitutes.get(to)) to = substitutes.get(to)
				let sameEdges = data.edges.get().filter((e) => e.from === from && === to)
				if (sameEdges) AEdge = sameEdges[0]
			if (BEdge.label && BEdge.label.trim() === '') BEdge.label = undefined
			let edgeName =
				BEdge.label || `from [${bdata.nodes.get(BEdge.from).label}] to [${bdata.nodes.get(}]`
			if (AEdge) {
				if (
					((AEdge.label && AEdge.label.trim() !== '') || (BEdge.label && BEdge.label.trim() !== '')) &&
					AEdge.label !== BEdge.label
						`Link with label: '${AEdge.label}' does not match link from other map with label: '${BEdge.label}'.  Existing label retained.`,
				else if (AEdge.grp !== BEdge.grp)
						`Link with style: '${AEdge.grp}' does not match style: '${BEdge.grp}' from other map for link '${edgeName}'. Existing style retained.`,
			} else {
				// if BEdge's from or to nodes have been substituted for a node in the A map
				// with the same label, change the from or to ids to the A map version
				if (substitutes.get(BEdge.from)) BEdge.from = substitutes.get(BEdge.from)
				if (substitutes.get( = substitutes.get(
				logMerge(`added new Link: '${edgeName}'`)
		// now check that all edges in the existing map are also in the other map
		data.edges.forEach((AEdge) => {
			let BEdge = bdata.edges.get(
			if (!BEdge) {
				let from = AEdge.from
				if (substitutes.get(from)) from = substitutes.get(from)
				let to =
				if (substitutes.get(to)) to = substitutes.get(to)
				let sameEdges = bdata.edges.get().filter((e) => e.from === from && === to)
				if (sameEdges) BEdge = sameEdges[0]
	logHistory(history, 'Merge')

	function logMerge(action) {
		history += '<br />' + action

export function mergeRoom(otherRoom) {
	console.log('%cMerging map at %s (map A) with map at %s (map B)', 'font-weight: bold', room, otherRoom)
	bwsp.on('sync', (status) => {
		if (!status) return
		bNodesMap.forEach((n) => bdata.nodes.update(n))
		bEdgesMap.forEach((e) => bdata.edges.update(e))
	return 'Please wait...'

 * Print to console the differences between the given map and the current map
function diffMaps() {
	for (let BNode of bdata.nodes.get()) {
		if (BNode.isCluster) continue
		// for each node in the other map
		let ANode = data.nodes.get( // see whether there is a node in this map with the same id
		if (!ANode) {
			let sameLabelNodes = data.nodes
				.filter((an) => an.label.replace(/\s/g, '') === BNode.label.replace(/\s/g, ''))
			if (sameLabelNodes.length > 1)
					`%cMatching factors by label [%c${inline(
					)}%c], but there are two or more factors with this label in this map`,
					'color: red',
			else {
				if (sameLabelNodes.length === 1)
						`%cMatching factors by label [%c${inline(
						)}%c] because there is no pair of factors with the same id`,
						'color: black',
						'color: black',
			ANode = sameLabelNodes[0]
		if (ANode) {
			// if there is, check whether the label is the same
			if (ANode.label.replace(/\s/g, '') !== BNode.label.replace(/\s/g, '')) {
					`Factor label in map A: [%c${inline(ANode.label)}%c] does not match label in map B: [%c${inline(
			} else if (ANode.grp !== BNode.grp)
				// label is the same, but style is not - just report this
					`Factor style in map A : ${ANode.grp} does not match style in map B: ${
					} for Factor: [%c${inline(ANode.label)}%c]. `,
		} else {
			// the node is on the other map, but not on this one - add it.
			console.log(`Factor: [%c${inline(BNode.label)}%c] in map B is not in map A`, 'color:green', 'color:black')
	// now check that all nodes in the existing map are also in the other map
	for (let ANode of data.nodes.get()) {
		if (ANode.isCluster) continue
		if (!bdata.nodes.get(
			console.log(`Factor: [%c${inline(ANode.label)}%c] in map A is not in map B`, 'color:green', 'color:black')

	// now deal with the other map's edges
	bdata.edges.get().forEach((BEdge) => {
		let AEdge = data.edges.get(
		if (BEdge.label && BEdge.label.trim() === '') BEdge.label = undefined
		let edgeName = BEdge.label || `[${bdata.nodes.get(BEdge.from).label}] --> [${bdata.nodes.get(}]`
		if (AEdge) {
			if (
				((AEdge.label && AEdge.label.trim() !== '') || (BEdge.label && BEdge.label.trim() !== '')) &&
				AEdge.label !== BEdge.label
					`Link label in map A: [%c${inline(AEdge.label)}%c] does not match label:[%c${inline(
					)}%c] in map B.  `,
			else if (AEdge.grp !== BEdge.grp)
					`Link style: '${AEdge.grp}' in map A does not match style: '${
					}' in map B for link [%c${inline(edgeName)}%c]. `,
		} else {
				`Map A does not include the link: %c${inline(edgeName)}%c in map B. `,
	// now check that all edges in the existing map are also in the other map
	data.edges.forEach((AEdge) => {
		if (!bdata.edges.get( {
			let edgeName =
				(AEdge.label && AEdge.label.trim() !== '') ||
				`[${data.nodes.get(AEdge.from).label}] --> [${data.nodes.get(}]`
			console.log(`Link %c${inline(edgeName)}%c in map A is not in map B`, 'color:green', 'color:black')
export function diffRoom(otherRoom) {
	console.log('%cComparing map at %s (map A) with map at %s (map B)', 'font-weight: bold', room, otherRoom)
	bwsp.on('sync', (status) => {
		if (!status) return
		bNodesMap.forEach((n) => bdata.nodes.update(n))
		bEdgesMap.forEach((e) => bdata.edges.update(e))
	return true

 * find a node with the given id and return its label
 * @param {string} id
 * @returns string
export function nodeIdToLabel(id) {
	if (!id) return id
	let node = data.nodes.get(id)
	if (!node) return 'node not found'
	return node.label
 * replace all white space with single space characters
 * @param {string} label
 * @returns string
function inline(label) {
	return label.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()
 * anonymise a map by removing all user names
export function anon() {
	let nodes = data.nodes.get()
	nodes.forEach((n) => {
		if (n.created) n.created = undefined
		if (n.modified) n.modified = undefined
	let edges = data.edges.get()
	edges.forEach((e) => {
		if (e.created) e.created = undefined
		if (e.modified) e.modified = undefined

export function sanityCheck(del = false) {
	// check all factors have labels
	data.nodes.get().forEach((n) => {
		if (!n.label || n.label === '' || n.label.trim() === '') {
			console.log('Bad factor:', n)
			if (del) {
				console.log('Deleted factor', n)
	// check all links have existing to and from factors
	data.edges.get().forEach((e) => {
		let ok = true
		if (!data.nodes.get(e.from)) {
			console.log('Missing from factor', e)
			ok = false
		if (!data.nodes.get( {
			console.log('Missing to factor', e)
			ok = false
		if (!ok && del) {
			console.log('Deleted edge: ', e)
window.sanityCheck = sanityCheck