* PRSM 3D map view
* generates a 'three dimensional'view of a PRSM map, build on threejs
* */
import * as Y from 'yjs'
import {WebsocketProvider} from 'y-websocket'
import {Network} from 'vis-network/peer/'
import {DataSet} from 'vis-data/peer'
import {elem, listen, deepMerge, standardize_color} from './utils.js'
import {version} from '../package.json'
// For unknown reasons, ForceGraph3D crashes if loaded from node_modules, but works if loaded from a CDN
import ForceGraph3D from '3d-force-graph'
//global ForceGraph3D
import SpriteText from 'three-spritetext'
import * as THREE from 'three'
const shortAppName = 'PRSM'
var debug = ''
window.debug = debug
var room
const doc = new Y.Doc()
var websocket = 'wss://www.prsm.uk/wss' // web socket server URL
var clientID // unique ID for this browser
var yNodesMap // shared map of nodes
var yEdgesMap // shared map of edges
var yNetMap // shared map of network state
var ySamplesMap // shared map of styles
var myNameRec // my name etc.
var loadingDelayTimer // timer to delay the start of the loading animation for few moments
var graph // the 3D map
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
loadingDelayTimer = setTimeout(() => {
elem('loading').style.display = 'block'
}, 100)
elem('version').innerHTML = version
let searchParams = new URL(document.location).searchParams
if (searchParams.has('debug')) debug = searchParams.get('debug')
* create a new shared document and connect to the WebSocket provider
function startY() {
// get the room number from the URL, or if none, complain
let url = new URL(document.location)
room = url.searchParams.get('room')
if (room == null || room == '') alert('No room name')
else room = room.toUpperCase()
debug = [url.searchParams.get('debug')]
document.title = document.title + ' ' + room
// don't bother with a local storage provider
const wsProvider = new WebsocketProvider(websocket, 'prsm' + room, doc)
wsProvider.on('sync', () => {
console.log(exactTime() + ' remote content loaded')
wsProvider.on('status', (event) => {
console.log(exactTime() + event.status + (event.status == 'connected' ? ' to' : ' from') + ' room ' + room) // logs when websocket is "connected" or "disconnected"
yNodesMap = doc.getMap('nodes')
yEdgesMap = doc.getMap('edges')
yNetMap = doc.getMap('network')
ySamplesMap = doc.getMap('samples')
clientID = doc.clientID
console.log('My client ID: ' + clientID)
for convenience when debugging
window.debug = debug
window.clientID = clientID
window.yNodesMap = yNodesMap
window.yEdgesMap = yEdgesMap
window.yNetMap = yNetMap
window.ySamplesMap = ySamplesMap
// we only read changes made by other clients; this client never writes anything to the shared document
yNodesMap.observe(() => {
if (graph) {
yEdgesMap.observe(() => {
if (graph) {
ySamplesMap.observe((event) => {
yjsTrace('ySamplesMap.observe', event)
yNetMap.observe((event) => {
yjsTrace('YNetMap.observe', event.transaction.local, event)
for (let key of event.keysChanged) {
let obj = yNetMap.get(key)
switch (key) {
case 'mapTitle':
case 'maptitle': {
let title = obj
let div = elem('maptitle')
if (title == 'Untitled map') {
} else {
document.title = `${title}: ${shortAppName} 3D View`
if (title !== div.innerText) div.innerText = title
myNameRec = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('myName'))
myNameRec.id = clientID
console.log('My name: ' + myNameRec.name)
} // end startY()
function yjsTrace(where, source, what) {
if (window.debug.includes('yjs')) {
console.log(exactTime(), source ? 'local' : 'non-local', where, what)
function exactTime() {
let d = new Date()
return `${d.toLocaleTimeString()}:${d.getMilliseconds()} `
function cancelLoading() {
elem('loading').style.display = 'none'
* Convert a node from the normal PRSM format to the one required by the 3d display
* @param {Object} node
* @returns Object
function convertNode(node) {
return {id: node.id, label: node.label, color: node.color.background, fontColor: node.font.color, val: 5}
* Convert an edge from the normal PRSM format to the one required by the 3d display
* @param {object} edge
* @returns object
function convertEdge(edge) {
return {
source: edge.from,
target: edge.to,
// black links are invisible on a black background, so change them to grey,
// so that they are visible on either white or black backgrounds
color: standardize_color(edge.color.color) === '#000000' ? 'lightgrey' : edge.color.color,
* Convert the map data from PRSM format to 3d display format
* Avoid cluster nodes
* Add lists of links and neighbours to each node
* @return {object} {nodes; links}
function convertData() {
let graphNodes = Array.from(yNodesMap.values())
.filter((n) => !n.isCluster)
.map((n) => {
return convertNode(n)
let graphEdges = Array.from(yEdgesMap.values()).map((e) => {
return convertEdge(e)
// note neighbouring nodes and links to those for each node
// (used for highlighting links when hovering over nodes)
graphEdges.forEach((link) => {
const a = graphNodes.find((n) => n.id === link.source)
const b = graphNodes.find((n) => n.id === link.target)
!a.neighbors && (a.neighbors = [])
!b.neighbors && (b.neighbors = [])
!a.links && (a.links = [])
!b.links && (b.links = [])
return {nodes: graphNodes, links: graphEdges}
* Display the map as a 3D network
* @param {string} backColor - background color: white or black
function display() {
let threeDGraphDiv = elem('3dgraph')
let width = threeDGraphDiv.clientWidth
let height = threeDGraphDiv.clientHeight
const highlightNodes = new Set()
const highlightLinks = new Set()
let hoverNode = null
let backColor = elem('mode').value === 'light' ? 'white' : 'black'
elem('info').style.color = elem('mode').value === 'light' ? 'black' : 'white'
graph = ForceGraph3D()(threeDGraphDiv)
// .cooldownTicks(0)
.linkWidth((link) => (highlightLinks.has(link) ? 1 : 0))
.nodeThreeObject((node) => {
// extend node with text sprite
const sprite = new SpriteText(`${node.label}`)
sprite.color = node.fontColor
sprite.textHeight = 3
sprite.padding = 1
sprite.backgroundColor = node.color
sprite.borderWidth = 1
sprite.borderRadius = 4
return sprite
.onNodeDragEnd((node) => {
if (node.fx) {
// unfix fixed node
node.fx = null
node.fy = null
node.fz = null
} else {
// fix nodes if they have been dragged
node.fx = node.x
node.fy = node.y
node.fz = node.z
.onNodeClick((node) => {
// Aim at node from outside it
const distance = 80
const distRatio = 1 + distance / Math.hypot(node.x, node.y, node.z)
{x: node.x * distRatio, y: node.y * distRatio, z: node.z * distRatio}, // new position
node, // lookAt ({ x, y, z })
3000 // ms transition duration
* Highlight those links (i.e. makes them thicker) that connect to the node being hovered over
* @param {object} node
function doHover(node) {
// no state change
if ((!node && !highlightNodes.size) || (node && hoverNode === node)) return
if (node) {
if (node.neighbors) node.neighbors.forEach((neighbor) => highlightNodes.add(neighbor))
if (node.links) node.links.forEach((link) => highlightLinks.add(link))
hoverNode = node || null
// trigger update of highlighted objects in scene
// fit graph to window on double click
listen('3dgraph', 'dblclick', () => {
let width = threeDGraphDiv.clientWidth
let height = threeDGraphDiv.clientHeight
graph.width(width).height(height).zoomToFit(200, 0)
// change background colour using select menu in nav bar
listen('mode', 'change', (e) => {
if (e.target.value === 'dark') {
elem('info').style.color = 'white'
} else {
elem('info').style.color = 'black'
var timeout = false // debounce timer
var delay = 250 // delay after event is "complete" to run callback
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
let backColor = elem('mode').value === 'light' ? 'white' : 'black'
elem('info').style.color = elem('mode').value === 'light' ? 'black' : 'white'
let width = window.innerWidth
let height = window.innerHeight - elem('navbar').clientHeight
}, delay)
window.addEventListener('orientationchange', () => setvh())
* to handle iOS weirdness in fixing the vh unit (see https://css-tricks.com/the-trick-to-viewport-units-on-mobile/)
function setvh() {
document.body.height = window.innerHeight
// First we get the viewport height and we multiple it by 1% to get a value for a vh unit
let vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01
// Then we set the value in the --vh custom property to the root of the document
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--vh', `${vh}px`)
* draw axes across scene
function axes() {
new THREE.Line(
new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints([
new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1000),
new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1000),
new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 'blue'})
new THREE.Line(
new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints([
new THREE.Vector3(-1000, 0, 0),
new THREE.Vector3(1000, 0, 0),
new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 'red'})
new THREE.Line(
new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints([
new THREE.Vector3(0, -1000, 0),
new THREE.Vector3(0, 1000, 0),
new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 'green'})
* Draw the legend floating above the 3d display
var legendData = {nodes: new DataSet(), edges: new DataSet()}
var legendNetwork = null
function legend() {
let nodes = Array.from(ySamplesMap)
.filter((a) => a[1].node)
.map((a) => a[1].node.groupLabel)
.filter((a) => a !== 'Sample')
let edges = Array.from(ySamplesMap)
.filter((a) => a[1].edge)
.map((a) => a[1].edge.groupLabel)
.filter((a) => a !== 'Sample')
let nItems = nodes.length + edges.length
if (nItems == 0) return
let legendBox = document.createElement('div')
legendBox.className = 'legend'
legendBox.id = 'legendBox'
let title = document.createElement('p')
title.id = 'Legend'
title.className = 'legendTitle'
let boxheight = LEGENDSPACING * nItems + title.offsetHeight
let threeDGraphDiv = elem('3dgraph')
legendBox.style.height =
(boxheight < threeDGraphDiv.clientHeight - 100 ? boxheight : threeDGraphDiv.clientHeight - 100) + 'px'
legendBox.style.width = HALFLEGENDWIDTH * 2 + 'px'
let canvas = document.createElement('div')
canvas.className = 'legendCanvas'
canvas.style.height = LEGENDSPACING * nItems + 'px'
legendNetwork = new Network(canvas, legendData, {
physics: {enabled: false},
interaction: {zoomView: false, dragView: false},
let height = legendNetwork.DOMtoCanvas({x: 0, y: 0}).y
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
let node = deepMerge(
.filter((a) => a[1].node)
.find((a) => a[1].node.groupLabel == nodes[i])[1].node
node.id = i + 10000
node.label = node.groupLabel
node.fixed = true
node.chosen = false
node.margin = 10
node.x = 0
node.y = 0
node.widthConstraint = 40
node.heightConstraint = 40
node.font.size = 10
let bbox = legendNetwork.getBoundingBox(node.id)
node.y = (bbox.bottom - bbox.top) / 2 + height
height += bbox.bottom - bbox.top
height += 50
for (let i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
let edge = deepMerge(
.filter((a) => a[1].edge)
.find((a) => a[1].edge.groupLabel == edges[i])[1].edge
edge.label = edge.groupLabel
edge.id = i + 10000
edge.from = i + 20000
edge.to = i + 30000
edge.smooth = {type: 'straightCross'}
edge.font = {size: 12, color: 'black', align: 'top', vadjust: -10}
edge.widthConstraint = 80
edge.chosen = false
let nodes = [
id: edge.from,
size: 5,
shape: 'dot',
x: -25,
y: height,
fixed: true,
chosen: false,
id: edge.to,
shape: 'dot',
size: 5,
x: +25,
y: height,
fixed: true,
chosen: false,
height += 50